I bring her outside so she is able to get fresh air and see what is around her. I want her to be able to identify indoor and outdoor objects and be able to hear normal (what we consider) everyday sounds and objects.
I want to continue using breast milk to give Teagan the best nutrition available. I know this may be difficult but I feel I am able to control the amount she is getting and slowly wean her off breast feeding sessions regularly and allow them to happen on a less frequent schedule. Before work, lunch break, and after work, while also providing pumped breast milk when needed. I feel this should be adequate. 
I'm not comfortable leaving my child within a facility in which there are several other infants. I want to leave Teagan with someone I know and trust and will treat her as I do. Not on a routine, taking advantages of the weather, activities and the house/apartment that my partner and I live in. 
I want to ensure that Teagan is improving her muscles and making sure that she has the strength to get around and preform gross motor skills. 
I want Teagan to interact with other people but those that I trust and want her to be able to adjust and get to know, close family and friends who may at times babysit. 
It's too early to introduce solid foods. Teagan still needs the nutrients that I provide with my breast milk. 
She's very relaxed and doesn't cause many problems. I need to play with her to get any big reaction. But this is wonderful.