It is now that I can start feeding Teagan some solid food in addition to some breast feeding. Although she is shy she can get used to individuals faster and stays interesting in activities for longer periods of time. As she grows her fine motor skills and manipulating objects she's advancing at a good rate. 
She's having problems getting to bed. I try to rock Teagan to bed but she needs to learn to get to sleep by herself.
She's pointing to stuff she wants. I am trying to make her vocabulary expand.
She's starting to think for herself. Giving her the opportunity to use them is key to progression. 
I know I have a strong relationship with Teagan but I feel as if my partner needs to be more involved to allow for more attachment to occur. 
Being able to know that there is an object still even if it is placed under a blanket. She loves peak-a-boo, hide and seek and finding any hidden objects. 
It is proven that infants become attached to one individual until about the age of 2. More on this subject is discussed later.